It is with great honor my dear readers that we announce our new partnership with
The Trentonian, Trenton’s premier newspaper! I was contacted during the week, asking if we would like to be featured on The Trentonian’s BLOG page, and we gracefully accepted their offer. This page can be found at
http://www.trentonian.com/blogs/ . Currently, we are the only food/wine related blog listed on their page, and we are very honored to be a part of this great publications website.
With all of that said, welcome to our new readers who have found our blog through the Trentonian’s page! Be sure to check back often for updates, and we hope that you enjoy the read. As always, feel free to send us your suggestions on restaurants or wines that you would like to see reviewed, and we will do our best to make that happen! Thanks, and cheers! -F. Scott and Zelda
Awesome! - John
Congratulations F Scott and Zelda
You guys should be very proud to have been selected by a major newspaper for your blog. The selection is well-deserved as you write prolifically and with style and substance.
Keep up the good work.
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