Anyone who knows about my passion for wine, knows how big of a fan of
CellarTracker I am, and how important of a resource
CellarTracker has been for inventorying our wines, and tracking what we have in inventory, what we've drank, tasting notes, what we've spent, etc. This is a resource that has had tens of thousands of hours put into it by founder Eric Levine, and it is a must have resource for this great hobby.
That being said, it is with my gratitude that I would like to announce the launch of Eric's new site,
Grape Stories, and Noon Eastern time today! Note, that in my opinion, there was never anything wrong w
ith CellarTracker, however, Grape Stories is a totally revamped site, with a new platform, the same great features, and many new additional features.
Grape Stories is far from complete, and I am sure that Eric is going to add to it on a regular basis, spending tens of thousands of hours writing new code, and adding new, additional features. So far, I absolutely love the new platform, and it looks great! It is definitely user friendly, and has a gorgeous new look, that I think many will appreciate.
Unfortunately, I have not had a lot of time yet to play around with the new site, but I do like what I have seen thus far. With that being said, stay tuned for more great notes on Grape Stories, and I truly look
forward to seeing how this site develops, and to see the progress in the next many years.
Big kudos to Eric Levine, and congratulations! You should be very proud of your accomplishments, and know that many of us in this awesome hobby appreciate your hard work and dedication! Stay tuned! Cheers! -F. Scott
F.Scott, I am not normally a blog reader... my wife is a blogger and I usually make fun of her for it, but I must say I really like your site... food/wine, what's not to like? Can you send me a link to your cellartracker? mine is: http://www.cellartracker.com/list.asp?O=CScoreSort+DESC&Table=List&Page=0&iUserOverride=81940
I've only really been into it for about a year and a half, but growing by the day.
my wife's site is: wineanddiapers.blogspot.com
John: thanks for stopping by our blog! Next time you log in to CellarTracker, go to your profile, and check out where it says people who list you as their favorite authors, as I have added you. That being said, no pressure, just write some good tasting notes! =) Thanks again for stopping by, and see you on CellarTracker/Grape Stories!
Now quit making fun of your wife for blogging, and start writing about some vino on your blog! We stated ours for fun, jst to talk about restaurants we like or don't like, and in the past few weeks, we've appeared in the NY Times, done a interview for SmartMoney Magazine, and got an invitation to speak at an organization in Princeton! It doesn't get any better than that, and we're honored to be recognized for two hobbies that we truly enjoy!
Life is too short for bad for and bad wine! Cheers! -F. Scott
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